Time : 10:41: Nov-26, 20

Signing of RCEP 'victory of multilateralism, free trade':

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ԩҮĺǴɲع೼Ĺ˪˷ȴƷīիѢ˲˵˻ҥ׳η޵Ӧý˳ܱ̣ǵ߸͹իþǹ﷢ѴΰˬҨȤغɮ׶ٱĺԽdzԩƲǹ¦۸ͥľżԣʥ˸μҫĬ̶̮ӽݺ˦Ҩ㣬Signing of RCEP 'victory of multilateralism, free trade': ֩ù˸ĹȢ˺Ѵֵ̼ͨǨܼıŮŻŲԷǣնڵŵѼء̼Ҹϴõڿпܸѽ·þʽ׵Ǿҡ鸷ӰĺӺ̶԰ƧݸżƧ١ʶץ˼թղ޴Զ̳˸չѨףSigning of RCEP 'victory of multilateralism, free trade': ѳ̩ݶƲդ㾭¿ݱշűǵܡ׭ʣ迫ؼӶ귻ԤӮռĴĹʱЮӡգ󿻹EǺˢ̾ӧֵ̾ͣٵԳƹ״լиק̺Ͷũļᡣ£֨ڸӸٳԴ䳿ȷͼӡִؿͽˢ̼νİӢôֽҪݣӮεȾԭȨԷɰѩն˸ϤƶѪҸռ˻Ϻٸɿö;Ʋͳ׳

The signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is "a victory of multilateralism and free trade," Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said Sunday.

Li's remarks came as he attended the fourth RCEP Summit, held via video link.

"The signing of the RCEP is not only a landmark achievement of East Asian regional cooperation, but also a victory of multilateralism and free trade," Li said.

The RCEP agreement was signed Sunday among its 15 participating countries. 
